OVD - Ovocinárske družstvo

OVD - predaj ovocia

OVD - zber ovocia

OVD - Fruit Growing Cooperative

OVD - Fruit Growing Cooperative provides cooling storehouse and a modern storehouse with ULO technology for rent druring the period of March to July.


OVD - Fruit Growing Cooperative is incorporated in the Companies Register under the business name OVD-Ovocinárske družstvo (Fruit Growing Cooperative) as of 24 March 2004. The Coop currently manages 228 ha of orchards. The Coop has built its own cooling storehouse with a 1,000-ton capacity and a modern storehouse with ULO technology and a 1,200-ton capacity. The Coop has its own sorter with a water flow that sorts the fruit that end up on shop shelves in domestic and foreign supermarket chains.


OVD - Fruit Growing Cooperative is a member of the sales association SK-Fruit. Due to supplying its production to supermarket chains the Coop's management decided to obtain certificate ISO 9001:2000 and certificate EurepGap that guarantee the high quality of the fruit grown in our orchards.